Topic: Filing for temporary support without a lawyer
Tammy's Question: I can't afford an attorney, I don't qualify for legal aide, and he is not giving me any money. Can I go to court to get temporary orders without an attorney?
Brette's Answer: Yes you certainly can. Just call or go there and find out what papers you need to file. You can also ask the court to order him to pay your legal bills, or part of them.
※ How long does temporary support last?
Donna's Question: Can I file for a temporary order of support if my husband filed for a non-contested divorce? Also, how long will that temporary support last?
Brette's Answer: Yes. A temporary order lasts until a permanent order takes its place (or the temporary order is somehow modified). Good luck.
※ Can I get temporary alimony without being legally separated?
Gail's Question: Can you receive alimony, and still be married, or do you have to have to be legally separated?
Brette's Answer: You can receive temporary spousal support alimony while married while the divorce case is in progress.
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