Can I file for emergency support if there's a DV order in place?
Michelle's Question: I am currently separated 5 months with a permanent restraining order in place for DV for 3 yrs. At the hearing the Judge said he didn't want to address spousal support due to me needing to get divorced. I am in serious need of help with the rent and bills. Should I go back to court and file for emergency support?
Brette's Answer: If you need support you should definitely file for it. Judges sometimes get annoyed if you file for support and then immediately file for divorce - you're then asking for it in two places. If you're not filing for divorce right now, you can ask for support.
※ What can I do if he had the pendente lite hearing postponed?
Scarlett's Question: My husband had our pendente lite hearing postponed. It has been over a month and still no pendente lite hearing. I need support really soon to pay attorney fees and to keep up household. What can I do to hurry things up?
Brette's Answer: You need to file an emergency motion for support.
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