Topic: Can I stop him from transferring property?
Jennifer's Question: We've been separated for 3 months. Before I moved out, we had two vehicles together. He turned over ownership of one of the vehicles to his brother. Now he is trying to turn over the other one to his parents. How can I stop this?
Brette's Answer: You can get a temporary order which prohibits him from transferring ownership of any marital assets. You should consult with a lawyer to make sure it is done correctly.
※ Topic: Medical Bills during Separation
Erika's Question: I am 32 weeks pregnant and my husband has told that me he was done with me. He is currently in the United States Army, but trying to get out. If he does, will he still be the one whom has to take care of the insurance to cover the birth of the new baby?
Brette's Answer: I'm sorry to hear you're in this difficult situation. As long as you are married, you can still be carried on his health insurance plan. However if he doesn't have a health insurance plan, that complicates things. You have several options if he has no insurance. You can apply for a state funded health plan which provides coverage on a sliding scale. You can list your husband as the responsible party for the birth costs, but realize the hospital is going to want you to pay too. You can talk to your local social services department about other options. You can also go to court and file for temporary spousal support, which could include health insurance or covering the costs for the birth. Good luck with this.
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