Can I get temporary custody without him knowing about it?
Rushelle's Question: My husband is threatening to take my kids. If I file for temporary custody how soon will he know about it? What is the process? Can I make it to where he doesn't know I have temporary custody?
Brette's Answer: It is possible to obtain an emergency order of temporary custody without the other parent present, but a hearing is always scheduled for very soon after to give the other parent a chance to be heard.
※ Do I need to have the kids with me to file for temporary custody?
Chaz's Question: Do I have to have my kids in my custody in order to file for temp custody?
Brette's Answer: You can file first. Good luck.
※ Do you need an attorney to file for temporary child custody?
Rhonda's Question: Do you need to hire an attorney to file for temporary child custody?
Brette's Answer: No.
※ Can temporary custody be established outside of the court?
Valery's Question: I am a grandmother of a 7 year old boy. My daughter is willing to allow me to have temp custody. Can this be done outside of the court?
Brette's Answer: No. You need to go to court and have a court order issued.
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