Topic: Interference with Custody and Visitation
Pam's Question: My ex. has visitation on the week-ends. It has been 11 days since I've seen or heard from my kids, he won't answer the phone or door. We are currently waiting for a ruling on full custody and child support. I'm afraid he will kidnap the kids because I know he knows he won't get custody. I called my lawyer and he said to file for contempt of court which I did. But I'm going crazy and no one seems to care.
Brette's Answer: I am concerned that your attorney does not seem to be taking this seriously. He should file an emergency motion with the court. If you have a temporary order of custody that specifically details who should have the kids when, you can contact the police if he is in direct violation of that order if you believe the children are in danger or have been kidnapped. I would suggest you have a serious conversation with your attorney and demand that he take action immediately or you will find another attorney and file a grievance against him with your state ethics committee. I hope this works out for you.
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