When does he have to return her after I get temporary custody?
Holly's Question: I was granted temporary custody of my child, but her father has her in another state. How long does he have to return her to me?
Brette's Answer: It should be immediate. Good luck.
How long are temporary custody orders valid?
Trina's Question: How long is a temporary custody agreement valid? My fiancé has temporary custody of his son, but the ex is threatening all of us. Since the temporary order is almost two years old, I was wondering if it has an expiration date.
Brette's Answer: A temporary order usually states on it how long it is valid for, which is usually until the next court appearance. If you are not currently in the middle of a court case, I doubt it is a temporary order and it is mostly likely a permanent order. You may have had a temporary order that was made final at the last court date.
Can I get temporary custody of my grandchild?
Pat's Question: My 19 year old daughter just had a baby, and neither she nor the baby's father has a job. They are both too immature to raise our granddaughter and I fear for her. What steps can we take to get temporary custody?
Brette's Answer: Immaturity is not grounds for a grandparent to take custody, unless you can offer specific instances of mistreatment. It sounds like the best thing you can do is be supportive and be a resource for her to turn to. There are many women younger than 19 who successfully raise children. Offer to provide child care so she can look for a job. You should also recall how hard it is to pull yourself together after having a baby. Maybe she is even depressed. Offer encouragement. If you feel the child is in danger take action, however keep in mind that the best way to help her is to support her. Good luck.
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