Understand Your Financial Situation
Once you gather all the necessary paperwork, you can then determine the net worth of the marital estate. The marital estate is everything that was acquired during your marriage. Net worth is the total of all debts subtracted from the total value of the assets. This will give you an idea of what you will be entitled to when you get divorced. If you will be receiving an inheritance, don't put it in both of your names, and don't use it to buy marital property or pay marital expenses. This will help to keep your inheritance separate from the marital estate.
Another consideration when preparing for a divorce is to keep a budget of your income and expenses. This will help provide documentation for determining the amount of support awarded, as well as give you an idea of what it will take to live on after your divorce. For some people, it may make sense to hire a certified divorce financial planner to help sort out all the financial information, and assist in making sound decisions during the actual divorce. For more tips, check out these Divorce Tips.
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